Shared assertions and validations

Some time ago, I decided to try to tackle a problem that I experienced on many projects without any successful solution. What I came up with is by no means perfect or finished, keep in mind this is just an experiment and I'm looking for feedback from the community. The…

Freelancing: My first year in review

I've been a freelancer for exactly one year now! A lot of things have happened over the course of this year and I feel like the first birthday of my company, Cats & Code, is a good time to stop and look back at how it happened and what this changed in my life…

Une année de freelancing

Je suis freelance depuis maintenant 1 an ! Beaucoup de choses sont arrivées cette année et je pense que le premier anniversaire de mon entreprise, Cats & Code, est le moment idéal pour prendre un moment pour regarder en arrière et voir ce que cela a changé dans ma vie…